Tuesday 24 April 2012

cast contact list

Notes from the client

24th January 2012 - First contact with client, we recieved an email from our client with details of the project including final date and what must be applyed in the video. We emailed him back asking if we could have a meeting with him to discuss the topic and the important features he wanted involved in the video.

1st February 2012 - Revieving the brief, upon ths we were given several different briefs and we were to chose which one we would complete. we then contacted our client again and asked him what important features he would like to be included in the presentation.

6th February 2012 - Software problem, problem resolved quickley by the choice of programme being changed. We noted this and how to solve the problem so that if it occured again the future we know how to solve it.

6th March 2012 - Contact with the client allowing them to ask us questions to do with the project to make sure everything was on track, in this interaction we were also allowed to ask thm questions incase anything was going wrong or if there is anyhting we were not sure about.

20th March 2012 - Contact with client, we sent them the first draft of the video to allow them to give us feedback or let us know if anything needed to change. Between us we talked about what needed to be changed and how it could be improved before dealing with the change in production.

3rd April 2012 - Contact with client, this allowed us to find any problems with the final video. We asked him for details on what he wanted changed and what he would prefer the production to be like, after feedback we got to work with making our final video.

17th April 2012 - This allowed our client to see the video before the final edits are completed.by doing this we were able to get a last bit of editing in before the final video was sent off, and seen by or client. After this our feedback is given and assessed by the client.

Tuesday 27 March 2012


Today i completed checked and uploaded all my pre production work, i also made the final edits to the film, before next lesson i will have completed the film and made sure all work is to a high level.


Production script

Opening reads " Homeless in your area, Oxfordshire.
Title sequence continues to read " Actors are used to protect peoples identity "
Young girl appears from over a wall she starts to speak " This is where i spent most of my time"
The camera pans round to show a long alleyway the girl continues to speak " i guess this was my home for a long time"
Camera pans back to the girl and she continues finiding it hard to speak about it " I was hooked, and once your hooked, its hard to get off"
The edit zooms in and fades to still images,
image one shows the young girl taking drugs
image two shows a mid shot of alcohol and drugs
image three shows a close up of the previous image
image four shows a close up on a cigarette.

The camera goes back to footage where you see a long shot zooming in to show a drunken homeless person
it zooms in on her and she starts to speak slurring her words " This is the last bottle, ones its gone..." she pauses,
She spills some of her beer and says " woops haha " ahe then sighs,
the video zooms out and the end credits begin " with thanks to Meaghan Rea,
produced by Hayley McCarthey and Sophie Hoskin
Edited by Sophie Hoskin

The last shot show a black screen with white writting that reads " Help those to helpthemselves"

Risk assesment


There will be 2 location shoots in this short film about the the homeless,
Location 1, will be an ally way, this will be used for two sections of the footage, the drunk homeless and the recovered homeless.
Location 2, will be a tight corner, in which the homeless person will be seen taking drugs and consuming alcohol.

Tuesday 6 March 2012


Today we researched information such as how many homeless people there are and other information along those lines we also worked out a plan so that we know when we are to do things and who is in charge of what sections of the project.
We also completed our storyboards, by doing this we have completed our pre-production, we will film over the next week and start the editing on the 13/03/2012.

Tuesday 28 February 2012


Today hayley and i got in contact with our client to let him know how the process was going.
We also starting the filming of our programm.

Tuesday 21 February 2012


Since the last lesson hayley and i have started our pre-production work, we have completed our risk assessment and call sheets as well as our storyboards during todays lesson, by next lesson we will aim to have all the pre-production work done and part of the filming completed. We have also been discussing locations in which to film and have been in contact with our client and places of interest. Our client has asked us to upload mini clips on vimeo so therefore he can look at our work in progress and if we are staying on the right track.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Production blog

7/02/12 - we searched homless shelters and attempted to contact the salvation army to see whether it was possible to film within there sites.
we also got in contact with the our client to discuss the brief further and fix things that we were unaware of.
After trying to contact the shelters several times we were told that filming would not be permitted but they would be happy to give us any information that we needed.

Monday 30 January 2012

With reference to examples explain the differences between a contractual brief and a competition brief.
The contractual brief is the brief that is discussed between two sets of people the client and the company.The layout of the contractual brief is clear and easy to read to allow the client to complete their details, they would be asked to include personal information and formalitys that are necessacery to allow them to complete the work.The advantages of these types of contracts are that it is easy for the client to complete with extra information, also it allows them to have more control over the process.The disadvantages are for the company making the contract as there may be disagreements between what the client and the company would like to be on the contractual brief. And the competition brief is the type of brief is given to you when participating in competitions, it allows the clients to understand what they must do to enter and complete the competition, this brief is different to other briefs as it is more intense with the audience. This brief is usually used for companys that are promoting competitions, the brief is given out to clients so they can understand what they are to do. When creating the brief the client must consider the scope of work, medium required, size of purchase (how many competition details are needed), target group and how to attract them, time framed, quantities and siting. The difference between these briefs are  that the contractual brief is a lot more formal and you meet with the company when discussing the brief however with the  competition brief the client does not come in contact with the company. The layout for the briefs are very different as the competition brief is a lot more relaxed and easier to understand. The contractual brief expects more information and details from the client that the competition brief does.

With reference to a current brief, give an explanation of your role in a group project you have been working on. What are your duties? What professional qualities do you need to fulfil the brief?
We were given a brief to make an 9 minute documentary within this I was given the role of editor and researcher, my duties where to make sure that all research on the topic was completed before shooting and that it was clear to the rest of the group the research I had found. My role of researcher continued throughout the filming section of the project, toward the end of the project I switched roles and became chief editor, during this my duties where to make sure that all editing was completed on time and to a high standard, I had to make sure that the editing was shared equally between the rest of the group and that everyone new how and what to do. Professional qualities that I needed to fulfil during this brief is to make sure that we not only had the final cut but other cuts aswell, I was to assure that all was done on time and to the best it could be I had to make sure that if the editing was not the best it could have been that it was remodelled into something better.

With reference to a specific example, explain your interaction with the client and what changes, or further understanding occurred.
We received a brief which asked us to produce a video about recycling for a certain age, apart from receiving the brief we had to interactions with the client and had to produce the product that was asked for to the highest standard, during the making of the product we changed certain aspects of the brief such as the time and the type of video made. We adjusted the brief slightly so that further understanding occurred and the video was made to a high standard and our client was happy with it.
With reference specific examples, explain what new skills you developed during the undertaking of a brief.
By receiving a brief of which we had to complete to a certain time and level and with the main description of what was necessary on it I found that I developed new skills such as working with my client to a degree where we agreed what was best for the product; learning how to use and complete a brief and learning to work alongside and with others to complete the brief to the customers standard and to the expected time.
With reference to an example, explain the opportunities and constraints you encountered with a brief and how you responded to them.
The brief that we received gave us opportunities such as to work alongside a customer and producer there product to the necessary standards, although we were given a lot of information we came across some obstacles that slowed the process down, we conquered our problems by working alongside our customer asking them the necessary question that we need to make sure the product was made the way they wanted it to be.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

negotioated brief

Almost the same as the formal brief exept that this kind of brief can have input from both sides of the creation both the client and the company, this type of brief is normally created over the phone. The brief is likely to tell you what you need to do aswell as other information such as the scope of work, medium required, size, cost, target group, time frame, quantities and siting. For this type of brief the usual client is someone who owns a small company that would be able to negotiate the brief to suit both the recipent and the creators. the communication between the client and the company is very important for this brief as it is created by both parties and all decisions must be made together.

negotioated brief

Almost the same as the formal brief exept that this kind of brief can have input from both sides of the creation both the client and the company, this type of brief is normally created over the phone. The brief is likely to tell you what you need to do aswell as other information such as the scope of work, medium required, size, cost, target group, time frame, quantities and siting. For this type of brief the usual client is someone who owns a small company that would be able to negotiate the brief to suit both the recipent and the creators. the communication between the client and the company is very important for this brief as it is created by both parties and all decisions must be made together.

Competition Brief


This type of brief is given to you when participating in competitions, it allows the clients to understand what they must do to enter and complete the competition, this brief is different to other briefs as it is more intense with the audience. This brief is usually used for companys that are promoting competitions, the brief is given out to clients so they can understand what they are to do. When creating the brief the client must consider the scope of work, medium required, size of purchase ( how many competition details are needed), target group and how to attract them, time framed, quantities and siting.