Saturday 29 October 2011

response to the brief (recycling)

I worked in a group of two for this project, we worked together to come up with the main idea for the video however split up for the research aspect, My partner searched for the location and ways of which to film whereas I looked for the statistics and ways of editing the final production. My partner did the main filming but I did more of the background location shoot, whereas I did the main edit and my partner did little aspects of it. We received a tender brief, this type of brief was easy to work with as we were given the task in hand but were able to make our own choices when necessary. When I first saw the brief before reading it, I was unsure whether I would be able to complete the task, after reading the brief carefully I realised that it was in fact simple and that I would be able to carry out the task efficiently. We had many constraints throughout the brief, such as a certain tagline that must be included in the film, the type of film so it must be upbeat, and the length of the film. The main constraints that we found difficult was the length of the film, we found that we had to be very selective on what bits we could use so that we did not run over our slot time.
Our initial idea was to create a music video using an original song and a black and white main film with the recycling highlighted buy being "green". The song will be sung by a female and will have a pop themed backing track, by doing this we hope it will catch the attention of may people in the target audience which i aged beetween16-20 year olds. The reason we came up with this idea is because we wanted to attract a wide audience and it is a well know fact that songs in the R&B and POP categories sell the most records to this age group. We agreed on this idea as we though that making the music video would attract many more than other types of films may do.
Our idea changed during the making process as during the filming we thought it would be better to make an short documentary film instead of a music video this is because we realised that although it would attract a lot of people in our target audience it would not attract people who like other genre of music, we came to the conclusion that a short documentary could be put out in a larger range of places such as shopping centres and could attract an even wider audience. We also came to this conclusion by doing research into the target audience; the main thing that we did was to accomplish this was interview with potential customers, from these we discovered that more would prefer an moving image that could attract the target audience widely and not singling out certain people because of the genre of music they like or dislike.
We came to the conclusion during editing that the way to put across what we were saying was short and snappy clips with statistics and facts in bold letters written over it, this would then make it easier to look at in busier areas. I am happy with the final outcome of my product and believe that it could attract many throughout the target audience and could get the point of the video across worldwide. If I was to do this project again I would make a clear plan and follow thoroughly with clear shots and sharper editing. I have learnt many lessons by completing this task about briefs, one of them being that you should read the brief thoroughly and make notes as you do so that you know what is necessary in your project.

I am happy with the way that the video has turned out and feel that it will clearly get the important message across easily aiming mainly at the target audience.

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